Sunday, November 23, 2014

Do you agree with capital punishment?

Noose draped on a table (Image credit Joseph Pickard/iStockphoto)

What do you think about capital punishment?
Is it effective to decrease crime?
Do you agree with the capital punishment?
In some countries, there are no capital punishments.
Also, each country has different way to kill criminals.
    In Japan, some criminals get the punishment every year. In Japan, condemned convicts are put to death by hanging. Crime of rebellion against the government, conspiracy against Japan, arson of inhabited structure, murder, robbery resulting in death, robbery and murder, fatal rape occurring during robbery or other crimes are considered to receive a death sentence. Condemned criminals live in prisons and they can choose their hair and clothes. Also, sometimes they enjoy watching movies. They are given some pleasures to keep being in good health because they have to pay with their lives.
    They know to be executed their sentences in the morning and their families know about it at a later date. When they are executed the sentences, prison officers take them to a front room. Then, they enjoy the last luxury items such as tobacco and snacks, write a will if they have not written it yet, hear a sermon, and the head of prison announce formally the execution of capital punishment. After that, they are put bandage over their eyes, are put handcuffs and let them take to a room to execute the sentence. Then, they are restricted their legs and stand on the appropriate position. Three or five prison officers push the button as soon as the head of prison give a signal and then the floorboard under the criminals opens and the sentence is executed. Prison officers don’t know who killed the person because there are some button. It has role to decrease the psychological burden for prison officers. It is the fact of capital punishment in Japan.      
What do you think read all of them?
Is capital punishment necessary?
Is it effective?
Is it good for people?
     In my opinion, capital punishment is necessary in Japan. It is because people who be executed their sentences committed such cruel crimes and must atone for offense. No matter how hard they try, they can never make up for their crimes. Also, it takes more money if they live in prison until their dies and it will give a big damage to Japanese government. Moreover, if they live in prisons for a long time, it is possibility to plan a breakout. It is also dangerous for ordinary people. Besides, if there is a capital punishment, it will be related with reducing crimes. Therefore, capital punishment is necessary.  


Death Penalty


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Is a College Education Worth It?

Do you think a college education is worth it?

In my opinion, it has high value.

I have three reasons.

I focus on knowledge, job hunting, and salary.

 First, if people enter a college, they can get more knowledge not only their major but also general knowledge, normal social behavior and other types of knowledge. People learn more 4 years in college or university and then they can gain wide and deep knowledge. Also, they study in college and in addition, they can do various kinds of experience such as joining club activities or circle activities, working part-time, studying abroad and living by themselves. These will be good experience to get new knowledge and give them effects. 

Second, if people go to a college, it is easier to get job and they have more choices when they choose companies which they take employment exams. Also, if people have dreams for the future, they can learn the special field and it will help them get the jobs. These days, a lot of companies want college graduates and more people enter a college. If people don’t go to a college, they have few choices when they get jobs. Many high-school graduates will work at manufacturing industry, construction industry, and restaurant business.  

 Finally, people who graduated a college will secure their livelihood. If people go to a college, they have more choices when they choose companies which they take employment exams and it will become easier to get job. Furthermore, college graduates, especially people who graduated highly-selective colleges will have high position at their companies because of their school careers which means they get large salary. Therefore, college graduates will have stable lives. Moreover, it cause to have enough food, live longer, have healthier children and give their children good education. 

Nowadays, it is not easy to get a job and many people get dismissed, have low wages and cannot get some job because of the effect of depression. However, if you study in a college, the risk will become lower. There are a lot of profit if people graduate a collage. College education has high value.

*reference* Education.

Sunday, November 9, 2014




 Today, I’m going to write about cars in Japan. What do you think the most important thing is when you buy a car? Price, safety, size, design, brand, fuel consumption, considerate of environment, popularity… Nowadays, many people want to buy cars which have low fuel consumption and low price in Japan.

     Then, it is said that the most popular car in Japan is AQUA. It is a full hybrid gasoline-electric subcompact hatchback. It is priced lower than the former Prius and has a higher fuel economy in city driving. It is on sale as Toyota Prius C in other countries.

     It was produced by Toyota Motor Corporation which is one of the biggest and most famous Japanese car corporations in Japan. The PRIUS C concept was introduced at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit in 2010. The production version of the Aqua was revealed at the Tokyo Motor Show in 2011 and it was began selling in Japan in December 2011. The price was about 1.69 million yen (21,700 dollars). After that, the Prius C was released in the Asian markets, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in 2012.

     Because this car has low price and low fuel consumption, it is very popular in Japan now. The number of the order received in a month after the start of sales was about 120,000 and it was ten times as much as they expected.

     Cars are useful and convenient for our lives but they sometimes have harmful effects on nature. People should choose their cars which take the needs of the environment into consideration such as hybrid cars, electric cars and eco-friendly cars.


新型車アクア 受注状況について ( The state of the orders of AQUA )

Hybrid Hatchback Car Toyota Prius

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Environmental Problems

Today, I’m going to talk about the environment problems. Environmental problems are one of the biggest problems in the world. Do you know what kind of environmental pollutions there are in the world? Water pollution, atmospheric pollution, noise pollution, olfactory pollution, garbage problem, global warming, desertification and destruction of forests will be famous problems in the world. This time, I mention garbage problem, global warming and atmospheric pollution.

First, garbage problem is a big problem. People dump a lot of garbage every day. Also, no matter how much people burn up them, finally they have the rest of them and they need many final disposal sites. Japanese government enacted The Basic Law for Establishing the Recycling-based Society in 2000. Then, it mentioned that people should work on 3R which means ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’. In addition, each local government issued regulations about garbage and most of them decide that people have to pay money for garbage disposal.

Second, global warming is famous all over the world. It is the global increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and seawater due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide. Because of the global warming, we will have abnormal weather, the rise in sea level because of melting of glaciers and ice sheets, destroying the ecosystem, expanding of infectious diseases and food problem. In Japan, people work on the conservation of energy. In 2005, The Japanese Ministry of the Environment began advocating the Cool Biz campaign to help reduce electric consumption by limiting use of air conditioning. It recommended that companies set air conditioner temperatures at 28 °C until September and workers wear trousers made from airy materials and short-sleeved shirts without jackets or ties.

Third, atmospheric pollution is also the problem which people should work on. It is the pollution that the increasing of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials in the Earth's atmosphere cause diseases and deaths for people and animals and damage for plants. The cause is smokes from cars, factories, garbage treatment plants and thermal power generation. In Japan, people work on ‘idling stop’ which is the word made in Japan and which means no idling or idle reduction. It is campaign that people should shuts down and restarts car’s engines to reduce the amount of time the engine spends idling and reducing exhaust gasses.

There are many kinds of environmental problems in the world. People likely to demand convenience and hope to live as much as they like. However, these thinking cause the environmental problems. Now, people have to live more in touch with reality and work on to solve the issues. According to the article ‘Sea Level Rise’ by National Geographic,  a recent study says we can expect the oceansto rise between 2.5 and 6.5 feet (0.8 and 2 meters) by 2100, enough to swampmany of the cities along the U.S. East Coast. More dire estimates, including acomplete meltdown of the Greenland ice sheet, push sea level rise to 23 feet (7meters), enough to submerge London. It is only one examle of environmental problem's effects. If people don’t work on environmental problems now, their future will be cheerless and gloomy.


Sea Level Rise -- National Geographic

Sunday, October 26, 2014


The night of October 31st is Halloween. These days, many people celebrate the event, especially in the United States and Canada every year. In the past, people believed the souls of dead people appeared on Halloween. It is also said that the origin was the spiritual event to celebrate the harvest in the fall and to turn out evil spirits. It took hold not as a spiritual event but civil event. This time, I introduce three events in Halloween.


First, I’m going to write about Trick or Treat. Children visit houses while saying ‘Trick or Treat’ and get snacks. Then, they are dressed in costumes such as witches, ghosts, insects, princesses, characters and other things. The origin of Trick or Treat is from the custom which was called ‘souling’ and developed in Europe. It is similar to the custom of the drinking party in the Christmas which was called ‘wassailing’. Cristian walked from one village to other village while wanting to get soul cakes on November 2nd. Then, people promised to pray to guide the souls of the dead relatives the way to the heaven.


Second, I’m going to write about Jack-o'-Lantern. Jack-o'-Lantern is made by cutting eyes, a nose, and a mouse in a pumpkin by knife. Sometimes, people cut bats, witches, old castles or other scary things in pumpkins. After that, people put a candle inside pumpkins to shine through the holes. It is the most famous symbol of the Halloween. People make the pumpkins which have scary faces and silly faces and put them on the doorstep to scare evil spirits to get it out. It is the symbol of ‘will-o'-the-wisp’.


Finally, I’m going to write about dressing up. They dress up costumes as traditional things such as ghosts, witches, bats, black cats, goblins, zombies and devil and supernatural monsters which appear on the novels such as Dracula, werewolf and Frankenstein. These days, many children like to dress up as characters which appear on the movies and animations such as Spider-Man and Batman, princesses and pirates.  Women also wear costumes like maids, nurses and police. People hold a Halloween costume party.


These events will be popular in Western and this year people will also celebrate Halloween on a large scale. On the otherhands, in Japan, Halloween wasn't celebrated before. However, these days, it's becoming popular year in and year out. This is my first Halloween in America and I have not joined Halloween party until now. I’m looking forward to coming Halloween.
Halloween in Japan



Friday, October 10, 2014

Why Japanese are NOT good at speaking English?

Some people say that the age of globalization has come and English skills are the most important in the international communication. We need to speak English to play an active part in the world. However, most Japanese are not good at English, especially, speaking English. I found an article about this problem and consider my opinion, why Japanese not good at speaking English. I mention three reasons.

First, we don’t need to use English in usual in our daily lives. There are little people in Japan who need to use English and they are people who work for multinational corporations. Most people have no problem in their daily lives even if they don’t speak English. It is probably one reason which Japanese are not good at speaking English.

Second, Japanese government focuses on reading, writing, and grammar on the English education. We don’t have enough opportunities to speak English and hardly do discussion and group work in the classroom, especially, when we were high school students. Also, Japanese dislike to do different behavior from others and it makes us feel embarrassed to pronounce correctly. It’s also one reason that Japanese can’t improve speaking skill.  

Third, Japanese language is completely different from English in pronunciation letters, and structure. We don’t use our tongues and breathes when we pronounce. Also, we use hiragana, katakana, and kanji as Japanese alphabet. In addition, verb is placed on the end of sentence in Japanese. On the other hand, European languages and Chinese are rather similar to English in word order. It means learning English for Japanese people is more difficult than it is for European and Chinese people.

I think Japanese should have more opportunities to speak English to improve their skills. In addition, Japanese people need to speak English more fluently and logically because English is widely used all over the world and the necessity for English is increasing these days. This makes easier for us to communicate with foreign people and many companies more smoothly, which would strengthen our economic power. We have to learn English more for us.     


Why Can’t Japanese People Speak English

Sunday, October 5, 2014

How to Protect Us from Natural Disasters

I’m going to write about natural disasters in Japan, today.

In the world, there are many kinds of natural disasters such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, landslide, flood, tornado, drought, tidal wave, snow damage or others. Sometimes these kill or injure a lot of people. Every year, many people die unexpectedly because of natural disasters suddenly. 

Especially, earthquake and tsunami which arises in the wake of earthquake, and volcanic eruption are natural disasters which Japanese pay attention. 

Therefore, this time, I mention how to protect us by ourselves from these three natural disasters.

First, earthquakes often happen in Japan every year and they have different sizes.

They cause the damage for human because of injury, the danger of life, mental damage like stress, depression and neurosis because of the death of their family or friends and the life at refuge. Also, it causes the damage for structures, agriculture, traditional buildings, factories, stores, lifeline, and ground, fire, tsunami, the decline in medical service, public service and public service.

By the way, what should we do to protect us from earthquake?
We can put up resistances to earthquakes on houses, hold furniture strongly, check shelters, prepare preserved food and listen to information of earthquakes and second disasters.

When earthquake happens, we should leave from large furniture, protect our heads and bodies, put out the fire on gas stove, shut the gas tap, open doors and windows, and wear clothes, shoes and helmet to protect. After the shaking subsides, you should go outside.

Second, Japanese also consider that volcanic eruption is one of the natural disasters which people are afraid of.

Some people die and injure, volcanic eruption give damages to mountains and forests, wastelands, rest stations on the mountains, private houses, airplanes and other transportation because of volcanic gasses, cinders, volcanic mudslide, volcanic ash slide, lava, and eruption. Some ship are sometimes wrecked and people are killed because of eruptions of undersea volcanoes.

We can listen to the information about volcanic activities in ordinary life, especially before we go to mountains. We can submit climbing notification, confirm where there are the shelters or mountain huts, and take protective mask and goggles before we go to mountains. Also, it is necessary to prepare preserved food and water, flashlight, blanket, and medicines if you live near active volcano.

When we meet volcanic eruption in mountain, we should go upwind and the shelters or mountain huts, cover your mouse with handkerchief or mask, and take contact lenses off. If we meet volcanic eruption in the house, we should gather information and seal up windows.

A volcanic eruption of Mount Ontake took place on September 27th, 2014. Mount Ontake is a volcano located in Japan and located around 200 km western Tokyo. It killed over 50 people. Also, on March 11th, 2011, the large earthquake stuck Japan. It is significant for Japanese to pay attention to natural disasters and prepare countermeasures against them.


The Japan Times
Mount Ontake's ashes yield four more bodies as search teams race to beat typhoon 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The World Peace

September 21st was the International Day of Peace. Therefore, today, I’m going to write about war and peace. I think it will be a hard topic for me and also for everyone. 

These days, there are wars going on everywhere in the world and not only adults but also children go to battlefronts. A lot of people enlist the army and are being killed and injured in a battle. 

I’m sad and my heart aches when I think about this circumstance. On the one side we live well, even people who are younger than me are fighting on such dangerous places.   

I considered why wars break out all over the world. 

First, the world are consisted of a lot of countries and it has no government. Actually, it has the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council. However, it will be not easy to stop fighting and solve the problem between one country and the other because there is no system that concentrates power in such organization. Therefore, people don’t resolve the issues and the war break out.  

Second, some countries have long-term issues about territory, national border, and the independence of the regions and it causes a war. If one country try to seize the territory or violate a frontier countries will start a conflict. Also, a region try to gain the independence, people sometimes begin a battle against their country.  Most of these problems will keep for long time, in other words, it will be a historical problem and it is difficult to settle it. 

Third, some nations want more profit. For instance, they hope to have more military, territory and territorial seas and airspace. Perhaps, in the past, people fought to get more food to get out of the hunger. The desire which people would like to get something more would cause a lot of wars. 

Besides, wars are happened because of religions, punishment for other country, or protection against other country. 

Then, I wonder what we can do now. We should know about the disastrous of wars and learn history about wars. Also, we should learn about other countries and different cultures and understand the differences. I think if people try to understand different cultures and thinking and think about wars, the disastrous wars will decrease.

In Japan, most students visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki where had the dropping of atomic bombs or Okinawa where happened land wars about 70 years ago to learn about wars when they are elementary school students. I have learned the war and peace since I was a nursery school student. 

I don’t know how to be taught about wars in other countries. However, I have many friends who came from different countries, I like them, I want to understand their thought and keep being on friendly terms with them in the future. I hope that there will be no war all over the world and everyone lives in peace.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

the international schools in Japan

Today, I’m going to write about the advantage of studying in international schools in Japan. 

These days, we have more opportunities to talk with foreigners and use English as a result of the age of the computerization and globalization. However, a lot of Japanese have never spoken English in daily lives and we hardly meet foreign people in the streets in usual in Japan.

In my opinion, more Japanese have the opportunities to improve their English skill and learn different culture.

In this case, you may think it is good for them to study abroad.

First, if we study abroad, we will be able to improve our English skills, especially, speaking skill. People have more opportunities to speak English and we have to speak English there to communicate with our teacher, friend and people who live and work there. If you are able to speak English, you will have more choices when you get your job.

Second, we can learn different culture. People have different culture from region to region. Different cultures have different custom, religion, clothes, foods and other. If we go abroad, we can know these difference by ourselves. It is good for us because we have more opportunities to communicate with foreigners who has different culture in this international society and it help us understand them.

However, in the other hand, if people go to another country to study there when they are kids or young, they can’t understand their own cultures like the system of school in Japan, Japanese thought and Japanese traditions.

I found an interest article.

In the article, the author mentions that
children don’t necessarily have to live outside their parents’ home country to foster this third culture (a mixture of first culture by their parents and the second by their foreign hosts). Increasing numbers of Japanese parents are going against the grain and placing their children in international schools here, principals at the schools say, even though the government classifies these institutions as gaikokujin gakkō (foreigner schools) designated as “educational institutions for non-Japanese students.”

 Tomaintain their native language and culture, Japanese mothers feel a greatresponsibility to supplement their children’s international education withadditional home or outside schooling. This can take the form of after-school Japanese-language juku or attendance at the local elementary public school in the summer, taking advantage of the fact that while international schools breakup in early June, regular local schools typically continue on through the third week of July.

In this case, people can learn Japanese culture and other culture in Japan. People can learn the differences. If they live in other country or have international job, they understand different culture easier. Also, if you stay in Japan, you don’t confuse the custom or thought.

In addition, if people let their children go abroad, it needs a lot of money and they worry that their children live in other country, far away from them. Nevertheless, if they choose that their children go to an international school, they don’t need the worry.

 I think Japanese have lack of experiences which they communicate with people who have different background and know the variety of cultures and speak English. I want more Japanese to have such opportunities and recommend that more parents know international schools and let their children enter the schools.    


The Japan Times 
All-Japanese families take a chance on international schools  


Sunday, September 14, 2014

My home country

Today, I introduce about my home country, Japan.I was born in April 18th, 1994 in Japan and I had lived there for about 20 years. I don’t know what you think about Japan and what image you have of Japan. However, this time, I introduce about Japan from my point of view.

 Japan is an island country which is located in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean. The capital city is Tokyo and it is one of the biggest cities in the world which means it has so big population.

Most people who live in Japan are Japanese. Almost of the people speak Japanese as a mother tongue and people don’t speak English generally in their lives. All Japanese start studying English when they enter junior high school as a second language. 

Japanese is so different from English. Japanese has three letters which are hiragana, katakana and kanji. Both of hiragana and katakana have 46 words. Kanji  has over 50000 words. For example, はるひ, ハルヒand 春妃, all of them are read Haruhi and these mean my name. Also, each of kanji has a meaning. For instance, my name 春妃, 春 harumeans spring   hi and means a queen.

Japan has some traditional sports like sumo, kendo, judo, kyudo and karate. Sumo is popular among elderly people. On the other hand, sports which are popular in Japanese youngsters are baseball, soccer, volleyball and basketball. These clubs are also popular in junior high schools and high schools. 

Japanese principal food is rice and we usually eat rice with miso soup, fish, beef, pork, chicken, vegetables, every day. Also, we eat noodles and bread daily. 

an example of home-cooked meals

Sushi, tempura, udon, okonomiyaki, and takoyaki are Japanese popular foods. We sometimes eat these cuisines in the house or restaurant. You can eat some Japanese food at the restaurant which is located near WIU. I recommend that you try to eat them.






Sunday, September 7, 2014

My Opinion about the Ebola Outbreak

Today, I write about the problem about the Ebola outbreak. It is a disease which is expanding in some African countries such as Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. These days, it is one of the biggest problems in the world because a lot of people were already dead and WHO declared the state of emergency for the world. Also, in my country, Japan, the media was reporting about the problem every day when I was in Japan.

Some countries decided to stop the support for a while because of the dangerous situation. Also, according to the article, Dr. Tom Frieden told that ''the more the world isolates and stop contacts with these countries, the harder it will be to stop the outbreak.''

I agree with his opinion. If we let them isolate and we stop contacts, the infection won’t stop and the situation will become worse. It is important to continue exchanging the information and support the countries. I have some reasons I think like that.

First, if we stop contact with these countries, we can’t have some important information from them. For example, we can’t know how many people have the disease and how many people died, how much the disease is expanding in the area. These are so significant information to know the state of the expansion and except whether it is a possibility to cause the expansion to other area. Stopping contacts with such a counties give us disadvantage.

Second, there are a lot of people who don’t know about the risk of virus and how to expand the virus. It means that the easygoing of behavior leads the expansion of the disease. It is necessary to export people who teach about the disease and how people should behave in the area. The education for people who live in such a countries is our important role.

Third, many countries which the virus spread are developing countries and people don’t get enough medical treatment against the disease. Also, the disease is expanding at a very high speed. Therefore, they developed countries should give medical support to them.  We should offer the medical technology both of human resources and material. For instance, governments send medical workers like doctors and nurses who want to go and lend them helping hands. Also, they can send medical instruments.

The third one is a short-term support. As a long-term support, countries which have high-quality medical technology should give the education of the medical technology to developing countries. It is helpful for developing countries to improve the medical skill.

For these reasons, I think that it is essential to last trading the information and support the countries and it connects to come to the end of the expansion.

''Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak Is ‘Closing Quickly,’ Official Warns  TIME'' (09/07/2014)

''2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa-Outbreak Distribution Map (09/07/2014)

Thursday, August 28, 2014


My name is Haruhi.
I’m from Japan and my major is English Language and Culture.
I was studying English as a sophomore in Japan.
This is my first entry. This time, I’m going to write about myself.

I like playing table tennis. I am a member of the table tennis team in Japan and I have played table tennis for about thirteen years. When I was an elementary school student, I practiced table tennis every day. It was so hard for me but it was a good experience for me to understand not to give up easily. Therefore, I am a little good at playing table tennis. I want to find some international friends who can enjoy playing table tennis with me!
Also, I like listening to music. My favorite kind of music is Korean popular music.  I’m from Japan, although, I prefer Korean popular music to Japanese popular music because I like the sounds and lyrics. I recommend listening to them.

When I was in Japan, I hardly had my free time because I had to go to school on weekdays and I worked at a hotel as a waitress. However, I usually sleep in my room or surf the Internet in my free time. In the weekend, I sometimes sleep for about ten or more hours. Aiso, I sometimes send a mail to my friend and play with them.  When I was in Japan, I went shopping and went to cafés to talk with them.

Two weeks have alredy passed since I left Japan. What I think about the U.S. so far is that everything is so big such as food, drink, clothes, living necessaries or others. After I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in U.S., I always become full.  In addition, the taste of food is stronger than those of Japanese food.  Maybe, the difference of food is the biggest problem for me.

My goal is improving my speaking English skill.  My weak point is speaking English. When I live in Japan, I speak English only in my classroom which means that I don’t have enough opportunities to speak English. Therefore, I try to speak English a lot to improve my skill. Also, I want to talk with many people in English here and make international friends.
My long term goal is to work at an international airport as a flight attendant. It is necessary for them to understand English which are spoken by various kinds of people and talk with them in English. I decided to come to this university and I ‘m studying English here to achieve my dream. I want to make the best use of this good opportunity to realize my dream.